Vue3 defineModel
Vue3 defineModel: Define Your Prop as v-model the Easiest Way
1024 1024 Ahmet Onur

Vue3 brings a host of new features aimed at enhancing your development workflow, and one standout feature is defineModel. This powerful helper function simplifies two-way data binding, reducing boilerplate code and improving readability. Vue3 defineModel will help you define your props as v-model easiest way. What is defineModel? defineModel is a utility in Vue 3…

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SSE vs WebSockets
SSE vs WebSockets – Exploring for Efficient Communication
1024 1024 Ahmet Onur

In the realm of real-time communication on the web, developers often find themselves at a crossroads when selecting the most suitable protocol. Should they opt for Server-Sent Events (SSE) or WebSockets (SSE vs Websockets)? This decision hinges on various factors, including the nature of user interaction and the specific requirements of the application. Understanding SSE…

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async vs defer javascript
Async vs Defer JavaScript – Exploring the Differences
1024 1024 Ahmet Onur

JavaScript is a fundamental building block for today’s web applications. But have you ever wondered how browsers handle HTML and JavaScript files? If you haven’t tried crazy things probably you didn’t use async or defer while loading JavaScript files. Let’s take a closer look what is difference between async vs defer javascript. How Browsers Read…

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Teknasyon PHPKonf 2023
Teknasyon PHPKonf 2023 Summary
1024 1024 Ahmet Onur

I just attend to Teknasyon PHPKonf 2023 that took place in Istanbul Kultur University. It was really absorbing. Speakers have provided valuable information, insights, or experiences related to PHP programming or technology in general. You can be informed about some of talks in this post. Real-world Async Cases with Fibers – Mert Şimşek This is…

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moving just single commit from branch to another branch.
Moving just single commit from branch to another branch
1024 1024 Ahmet Onur

Cherry-pick is life-saving git tool for moving just single commit from branch to another branch. To illustrate, you have to fix an issue quickly and you accidentally sent commit to develop branch and you realised that there are another commit from another developers, so you can’t open merge request from develop to master and can’t…

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How to build PHP Image from Scratch
How to build PHP Image from Scratch
1024 1024 Ahmet Onur

Today, we will build PHP Image from Scratch in order to deploy base PHP applications easily. Please keep in mind, this is development purposes for beginners. We will publish new article for production purposes. Let’s get started. Preparing Dockerfile for base PHP applications Firstly, create Dockerfile to list configuration. At the beginning of the page,…

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what is meaning well-known path
What is meaning of .well-known path?
1024 1024 Ahmet Onur

If you built a website, you have already seen .well-known path but I claim that you do not know what it is and why it is there. 🙂 When you setup a website on cpanel or pleks and then access to file system of the website, there is a folder or path that is called…

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request/response cycle of django
Request/Response Cycle of Django – Basic
1024 1024 Ahmet Onur

Django is a popular framework that is used by many high level tech companies for back-end development. Django has lots of handy structure to handle web applications. One of them is request/response cycle of django that we will cover today. As a developer understanding the request/response cycle gives you more efficient control on your Django…

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Exploring the DevOps and Cloud Landscape: Insights from October 2023 Events in UK

In this month, I attended DevOps London and AWS User Group UK Meetup. Here my blog summarise the events.

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